Achille Mbembe and Cameroonian University. A range of the works beyond his janusian faces
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Actually Achille Mbembe is one of fecund and powerful intellectuals of our epoch. His notional and conceptual framework concerns the ups and downs of contempory period, which is dominated by harmful effects of planetary crisis. His interdisciplinary work is enriching by a strong interaction by members of our time which are coming from intellectual, political and social world. This senghorian and sartrian perspective which he is using by a reflexive approach on the multiple aspect of reality is coherent when we know that his work come from Cameroonian social and political milieu destroyed by tares and misadventures due to colony and postcolony, and diverse heritage received by Cameroonian academicals elite. However, according to the point of views of many Cameroonian lecturers, we have two faces of Janus. By so doing, his pears reveals his negatives and positives aspects forms by his adherents and opponents. Nevertheless, the epistemical body of Mbembe’s thought brings firstly scientifity and interdisciplinarity, secondly, the “in-common” which is an important force of living together for Cameroonian youths.
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How to Cite
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