Figures of Irony: The Phenomenology of the Spirit before the irruptions of the self

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Ezequiel Curotto


If what Hegel asserts in Phänomenologie des Geistes regarding philosophy as the consummation of skepticism is to be regarded as one of the correct modalities of interpreting the phenomenological method, then it is clear that overcoming such skepticism will constitute the novelty that encourages the process of knowledge towards its absolute culmination. Thus, it is evident that the conceptual kinship that can be established between skepticism and romantic thought binds both of them so closely to the Hegelian phenomenological procedure that overcoming skepticism will also constitute the overcoming of romanticism as an ironic modality of thought. In this sense, we offer in this work an analysis of the concept of Irony as it is presented in the Phenomenology of Spirit through its phenomenological figures.

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Author Biography

Ezequiel Curotto, National University of La Matanza

Profesor de educación Media y Superior en Filosofía (UBA). Docente de Filosofía (UNLAM). Miembro del Grupo de Estudios Hegelianos (UBA) y del proyecto “El estatuto de fenómeno en la nouvelle phénoménology”, FILOCYT (Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, UBA).

How to Cite

Figures of Irony: The Phenomenology of the Spirit before the irruptions of the self. (2024). Revista De Filosofia UCSC, 23(1), 78-96.


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