The Spiritual Exercises: An Approach from Michel Foucault and Francesc Torralba
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The Spiritual Exercises, according to Michel Foucault's proposal in The Hermeneutics of the Subject, are practices aimed at cultivating the inner life closely linked to the everyday existence of the individual. In this way, and following Francesc Torralba's proposal in Spiritual Intelligence, it is important to recognize the role that spiritual exercises play in practical issues of human life today, such as decision-making, inner peace, continuous and progressive resolution of self-concern, self-knowledge, and ultimately, the meaning and significance of existence. Therefore, the objective of this article is to present a reflection that, on the one hand, develops the meaning of Greco-Latin spiritual exercises from the first and second centuries, and on the other hand, justifies their necessity in today's world, as their orientation allows for authentic guidance in the world.
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