Self-with-Others: Subjectivity in Michel Henry's Phenomenology of Life and the Notion of il y a in Emmanuel Levinas

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Max Echeverría Burgos


This article analyzes the process of subjectivation from the phenomenological perspectives of Emmanuel Levinas and Michel Henry. First, it examines Michel Henry's phenomenology of life, where the self is understood as internal self-affection, attempting to overpass a conception of subjectivity grounded in objectification or mere self-consciousness. Next, it explores Levinas's notion of il y a, aiming to complement Henry's perspective with a critique that emphasizes the significance of transcendence and otherness in the constitution of the subject. In summary, the developments presented here manifests the urgency of considering that the constitution of the subject (subjectivation) is not something that begins and ends solipsistically, but rather an event that always it’s given within the framework of a relationship.

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Self-with-Others: Subjectivity in Michel Henry’s Phenomenology of Life and the Notion of il y a in Emmanuel Levinas. (2025). Revista De Filosofia UCSC, 1(24), 76-88.


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