Considerations on creations as causality and gift. An analysis in the light of Thomas Aquinas

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Mauricio Chapsal


This work seeks to expose and analyze from the perspective of Thomas Aquinas's thought two questions that, although they can be addressed separately, are nevertheless, closely related to each other. It is, on the one hand, creation from the rational metaphysical perspective of the efficient causality of being, a notion used to rationally demonstrate its truth, and, on the other hand, the theological doctrine of creation as a gift, typical of the field of the Revelation. In accordance with the above, the first notion used by the Aquinasian is deepened in contrast to one of the most common ways of understanding it, namely, as production, in relation, on the one hand, to the augustinian christian philosophical tradition, and, on the other hand, to the rational averroist thought of his time. Likewise, it delves into some of its key points of encounter with donation, and into projections that follow from that for the establishment of a christian philosophy that has as its foundation and goal the explanation of the created being of the world.

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Author Biography

Mauricio Chapsal, University of Santiago Chile

Licenciado en Filosofía, Magíster en Filosofía y Doctor en Filosofía por la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile. Mauricio Chapsal es integrante del Comité de Ética Científica Institucional USACH y Profesor Asociado del Dpto. Filosofía de la Universidad de Santiago de Chile.

How to Cite

Considerations on creations as causality and gift. An analysis in the light of Thomas Aquinas. (2025). Revista De Filosofia UCSC, 1(24), 53-75.


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