Philosophy, mysticism and democracy: The overcomings of the human condition in Henri Bergson

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Carlos Contreras Guala


The bergsonian philosophy implies, for some, an attempt to overcome the human condition. In what follows, we will raise a series of questions regarding the various scenes of overcoming this condition that we can find in some of Bergson's texts. The improvement would not be one, but would operate at various levels. These various levels will be linked to the notions of corpus, sympathy, mysticism and fraternity. Firstly, we will review the question of the constitution of the Bergson corpus as an overcoming of the writing of the supposed author. Secondly, philosophy as overcoming the human condition through intuition and sympathy. Thirdly, philosophy can be considered as overcoming the human condition through mysticism or the figure of the mystic. Finally, in fourth place, Bergson states that fraternity is the emotion that drives the surpassing of the natural guidelines of life in society.

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Author Biography

Carlos Contreras Guala, University of Chile

Carlos Contreras Guala es Licenciado en Filosofía por la Universidad de Chile, Magíster en Filosofía por la Universidad de Valparaíso y Doctor en Filosofía por la Universidad de Chile y la Universidad París 8 Vincennes-Saint Denis. Es docente del Departamento de Filosofía de la Universidad de Chile y del Instituto de Filosofía de la Universidad de Valparaíso. Integrante del Laboratorio de Estudios e Investigaciones sobre las Lógicas Contemporáneas de la Filosofía de la Universidad de París 8.

How to Cite

Philosophy, mysticism and democracy: The overcomings of the human condition in Henri Bergson. (2024). Revista De Filosofia UCSC, 23(1), 144-167.


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