The mystery of man in Gabriel Marcel: incarnation and itinerancy, transcendence and freedom

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Andrés Nicolás Rodríguez Piñero


In this article we will approach the mystery of man from the anthropological reflections of Gabriel Marcel, present in both his philosophical works and his dramatic works. In particular, we will focus on his analysis of the structural or metaphysical dimensions of personal existence. First of all, we will address the corporeal and embodied condition of man as the starting point of all concrete philosophical reflection. Furthermore, we will undertake the study of the itinerant and temporal dimension of personal existence, marked by the hopeful search for a deeply desired fulfillment. We will also analyze Marcel's notion of “ontological demand” as an inner impulse of openness to transcendence. At the same time, we will develop Marcel's reflections on freedom as a conquest of one's own being, and as an openness that is fully consummated in intersubjectivity. In this way, we will highlight the various ways in which our author seeks to allow us to be amazed by the mystery of man in his dramatic fullness, which challenges us to recognize and respect his sacred dignity.

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Author Biography

Andrés Nicolás Rodríguez Piñero, Universidad Católica de La Plata

Profesor en Filosofía y Profesor en Ciencias Sagradas por el Instituto “San Juan de Ávila” de la ciudad de Santa Fe de la Vera Cruz, Argentina; Bachiller eclesiástico en Teología por la Universidad Católica Argentina (UCA); Licenciado en Ciencias de la Educación por la Universidad Católica de La Plata, Argentina (UCALP); Maestrando en Teología por la Universidad Católica de Córdoba, Argentina (UCC).

How to Cite

The mystery of man in Gabriel Marcel: incarnation and itinerancy, transcendence and freedom. (2024). Revista De Filosofia UCSC, 23(1), 97-120.


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