Citizenships and constitution of the political community in the “god’s city” of Saint Augustine
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The article evaluates the problem of two citizenships in the City of God San Agustín’s. For the Bishop of Hipona, the City of God and the Earthly City must share invariably the same space in the time that its terrestrial peregrination lasts. The proposed thesis is that an indecision space exists between two cities that allow explaining the communication and the interrelation between them. In the first part, there is analyzed the interior worry and the fragility of the human life as nucleus of the political thing.
In the second part, there is characterized the Augustinian thesis of two loves like
types of social belonging emphasizing that the genesis and development of two cities
can obtain a new light from the narrow tie with the providential doctrine and the
universal government of the world. In the last part, is placed in relation to the problem of the two citizenships with the position Augustinians regarding the ambiguity of the history.
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