The Responsibility in Paul Ricoeur

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Daniel Brito


The present study aims to analyze the term ‘responsibility’ in P. Ricoeur. We say ‘term’ in the strong sense of the word, because our research develops a treatment of it from the philosophy of action as conceived by Ricoeur, with a  notorious analytical imprint, to progressively reach the study of responsibility under a moral plane. Thus we will first review the notion of agent and its relation to action; Secondly, we will deal with the intention-action relationship in order to obtain the notion of responsibility in terms of the philosophy of action; And we will end with an approach to the responsibility considered from the philosophy of action towards ethics.

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Author Biography

Daniel Brito, University of Concepción


How to Cite

The Responsibility in Paul Ricoeur. (2017). Revista De Filosofia UCSC, 16(1), 11-28.


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