Cognitio confusa and understanding of being: a vanishing point of Scholastic ontology and Heideggerian metaphysics

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Cesar Andres Lambert Ortiz


This article explores the relationship between Martin Heidegger's concept of Being and the scholastic notion of cognitio confusa. Heidegger’s depiction of Being as both entirely indeterminate and highly determined is linked to the scholastic definition of being, which is initially apprehended in an indistinct and confused manner. The author tries to show that despite Heidegger's criticism of traditional ontology, his understanding of Being resonates with medieval metaphysics, particularly as described by Joseph Gredt and Francisco Suárez. By comparing these perspectives, the article highlights the continuity between classical and contemporary metaphysical thought and argues that Heidegger’s ontology is closer to scholastic views than often acknowledged.

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Author Biography

Cesar Andres Lambert Ortiz, Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaíso

Doctor en Filosofía (Universidad de Friburgo, Alemania); Licenciado en Filosofía (P. Universidad Católica de Valparaíso)

How to Cite

Cognitio confusa and understanding of being: a vanishing point of Scholastic ontology and Heideggerian metaphysics. (2025). Revista De Filosofia UCSC, 1(24), 228-242.


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