The passage of the ideals from their transcendental state to the immanent

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Edgar Enrique Velásquez Camelo


The objective of this paper, through an documental investigation process, is to prove the pragmatic character of the ideals,  from the contributions of Kant’s preventive epistemology in the Critique of Pure Reason; for later, from the existential hermeneutics of Paul Ricoeur and the communicative action of Jürgen Habermas, demonstrate the plausible transition of the ideals on their transcendental state to the immanent, through the pragmatics of understanding and social consensus that manage plurality. If the objective aim of Critique is to avoid gnoseological errors in the future, as Kant mentions in his work, this means that prevention inspires all the theoretical deployment of its epistemology. The ideals, in this sense ─as sophisms of pure reason─, fulfill the same preventive function to avoid potential failures in inspiration and regulation that derive from the ideal. All this, in order to, first of all, make an approach to the understanding of the ideals from the Critique and, secondly, by means of the theoretical resources of the pragmatic of the comprehension and the communicative action, to present a reflection on the possible applications in promoting social life.

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The passage of the ideals from their transcendental state to the immanent. (2025). Revista De Filosofia UCSC, 1(24), 89-109.


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