The kantian phenomenology: Between representationalism and constructivism

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Jimmy Hernández Marcelo


This present study attempts to, in the first place, explain the conception of phenomenology within the Kantian philosophical project. At the same time, we devote a special attention to the probable influence of Lambert’s Phenomenology in the genesis of the critical philosophy of Kant. Since both authors share the methodological ideal of reforming the entire existing philosophical system in order to avoid the excesses of rationalism. Then we try to present the evolution of this concept (phenomenology) after Kant’s transcendental turn from the publication of the Critique of Pure Reason. Thus, we distinguish two different conceptions of the phenomenology in Kant according to the division of philosophy in pre-critical (representationalist Phenomenology) and critical (constructive Phenomenology) periods. Finally, we present the status of pre-Husserlian phenomenology in the post-Kantian philosophy.

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Author Biography

Jimmy Hernández Marcelo, Latin American Circle of Phenomenology


How to Cite

The kantian phenomenology:: Between representationalism and constructivism. (2023). Revista De Filosofia UCSC, 15(1).


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