Synthesis of epistemological systematization of Educational Philosophy

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Luis Rodrigo Camacho Verdugo


Philosophy in its epistemological development has undergone many changes, especially the philosophy of education, therefore, it is considered opportune to analyze if the epistemological character that it has at the moment is valid; This is intended to help in the reflexive development of education in a clear, precise and in relation to its fundamental supports. For this, the structure of this text consists of two points: first, to make a brief philosophical analysis on the existence of education, and second, to highlight some aspects of the epistemological status of educational philosophy

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Author Biography

Luis Rodrigo Camacho Verdugo, Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción


How to Cite

Synthesis of epistemological systematization of Educational Philosophy. (2023). Revista De Filosofia UCSC, 16(1).


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