Finding God. Heidegger interprets book X of Confessiones
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We focus our work on two aspects of Heidegger’s text. On the one hand, we postulate that the interpretation of the thought of St. Augustine, which is constituted from the non-distinction of philosophy and theology, has penetrated the fine tuning of Heidegger’s determinations in the “search for God” (die Gott - Suchen ) and in the delimitation of phenomenology as “access” (der Zugang). On the other hand, with the determinations established by the methodological context mentioned above, memory is a space of the sacred from which the divinity can be thought. God is, in himself self, sacral, which means that the realities are linked to the sacred from the properties that are inherent to it: there is a natural continuity between the characteristics themselves and the manifestation in them of the sacred. Forgetfulness reflects that the search for happiness, as a fragile trace of God, must be effected through a diminished experience of that vita beata. In this sense, to seek God is, for Heidegger, the intrinsically sacred, as a superlative reality that has marked the memory on passing.
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How to Cite
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