On the fourfold root of the hermeneutical concept of application
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Hermeneutics has claimed a special concept of understanding. The concept of application - appropriation is the number of this special way of understanding. If "understanding is applying" (Gadamer), it is because the application is the remedy against a strangeness, a distance, a remoteness that has epistemological and existential aspects. In this paper, I trace and analyze the roots of the hermeneutic concept of application, emphasizing its existential practical aspect. What the category of application teaches us is that the very criterion of comprehension, at least for certain expressions (and certain texts) is the effect that it causes in our way of seeing the world (or a portion of it). Concepts such as "salvation" (religious root), "affective and cognitive disposition" (ethical root), "persuasion" (rhetorical root), and "catharsis" (aesthetic root) reveal the need of the subject to appropriate a knowledge that will modify his way of seeing the world, his way of being in it.
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How to Cite
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