The man: a problem or a mystery in Gabriel Marcel

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Frank Bolívar Viteri Bazante
Cesar Augusto Ramírez Giraldo


This present work aims to visualize Marcel's ontological understanding, starting from the anthropological reality devoid of meaning to project towards a comprehension of being in itself in all its ontological and vital categories, not only from a metaphysical distance, but also as a vital reality that influences the definition of meaning. The being that Marcel presents is open, not an object that can be reduced to an objective vision, as human beings do in their desire to know. The experience of Being is a profound and metaphysical condition of human beings that transcends the objective vision of reality and invites us to think from the depths of the human condition. Man is no longer understood only as the subject that happens in objective reality, but he is directed to find himself in subjectivity as a space for encounter with Being. Taking into account the conceptual and dialogical development of the encyclical Fides et ratio that sheds light on the problem of silence and mystery, the ontological relationship becomes the foundation of existence starting from the "I am". To later understand that the definition of being is not a mental category as such, but rather a structuring based on concrete experience in relation to being.

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Author Biographies

Frank Bolívar Viteri Bazante, Politecnica Salesiana University

Doctor en Filosofía Ph.D, Magister en Filosofía. Universidad Central del Ecuador

Cesar Augusto Ramírez Giraldo, Pontifical Bolivarian University

Ph. D. en filosofía, Magíster en Teología, Especialista en Doctrina Social, Especialista en Gerencia, Especialista en Televisión.

How to Cite

The man: a problem or a mystery in Gabriel Marcel. (2019). Revista De Filosofia UCSC, 17(2), 149-163.


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