Skepticism and practical reason in the philosophy of J. G. Fichte
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The aim of this paper is to analyze J. G. Fichte's arguments in his refutation of the skepticism of E.G. Schulze and S. Maimon. My main hypothesis is that Fichte can provide a satisfactory rational criterion for refuting skepticism, to the extent that he adopts the perspective of a primacy of practical reason. The connection between the refutation of skepticism and the primacy of practical reason is much more evident in Fichte's early writings published during the Jena period (1794-1799). In a sense, skeptical doubt is based on a merely theoretical or contemplative attitude. However, Fichte's philosophy demonstrates that there exists in man an innate tendency to action and to the transformation of reality according to rational laws. The subject experiences reality through a feeling provoked by something that offers resistance to his practical tendency and therefore cannot maintain his skeptical attitude without contradiction.
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