Contributions of the humanist philosophy of Maritain and the humanist psychology of Rogers and Maslow for education in the XXI century

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Ignacio Miralbell


I intend to analyze, reevaluate, and demonstrate the coherence of certain practical proposals from some contemporary humanist philosophers and psychologists regarding education. Specifically, I will refer to Jacques Maritain's humanist philosophy, and the humanistic psychology of Karl Rogers and Abraham Maslow. While these proposals come from different perspectives and have somewhat diverse foundations, they all converge in their humanistic nature and their concern for the comprehensive education of the individual in their individual and social existence. I will attempt to show how some of their practical proposals can serve as inspiration for new possibilities and approaches to education in the 21st century, particularly concerning the motivational and attitudinal aspects of the teaching and learning process.

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Author Biography

Ignacio Miralbell, Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción

Associate Professor in the Faculty of Theological Studies and Philosophy. Specialized in Philosophy. His research focus is the History of Philosophy.


How to Cite

Contributions of the humanist philosophy of Maritain and the humanist psychology of Rogers and Maslow for education in the XXI century. (2023). Revista De Filosofia UCSC, 22(2), 95-112.


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