The Inward Turn: Influence and Interpretation of Augustinianism in the Thought of Erich Przywara

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Jovani Fernández


The present work pretends to show the influence of the thought of Agustín de Hipona in the work of Erich Przywara, specifically, in the proposal of creature metaphysics. In the first part, what concerns the method and content of creature metaphysics is revealed from core notions of Augustinian thought. The second part pretends to expose the relationship of mutual reciprocity between metaphysics and religious experience proper of the originality of Przywara's thought.

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Author Biography

Jovani Fernández, Universidad Anáhuac

Licenciado y Magíster en Filosofía. Actualmente se encuentra cursando el doctorado en la Universidad Iberoamericana campus México.

How to Cite

The Inward Turn: Influence and Interpretation of Augustinianism in the Thought of Erich Przywara. (2023). Revista De Filosofia UCSC, 22(2), 41-64.


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