The infinity of the world: the vision from Simone Weil and Edith Stein
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This article presents the links between the thought of Edith Stein and Simone Weil, both outstanding philosophers of the 20th century, regarding the conception of modern science and technology. The thesis that will guide our work is that the two thinkers recover the conception of science as a contemplation of the world's order. This perspective makes it possible to change the physicalist view of nature and stop the damage that the excessive intervention of technology has caused in nature. In this way, science becomes a bridge that leads to the Creator. In this paper, we analyze the concepts of finality, the consideration of space and geometry as integrators of reality, perception as the origin of knowledge, and the transcendent dimension of science. Each of these aspects is analyzed from the perspective of the intrinsic order of things and of the person given by the Creator.
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How to Cite
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