Technologies of the self in the care of oneself: towards the conquest of inner freedom in the public-political scenario

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Héctor Domínguez
Edgar Velásquez Camelo


The paper is about the help of self-technologies for building the ethical principles of human beings in public and political action. Also, we want to submit a reflection on how the person can overcome noetic and existential superficiality, through anthropological, epistemological, and technological tools, for the inner conquest of himself. In summary, this writing aims to demonstrate how self-technologies help shape inner freedom and motivate toward taking care of yourself on the public and political stage. The main question is: how can the technologies of the self, expand the inner freedom of the contemporary human being whose impact is felt in public and political action? It is argued that the exercise of the technologies of the self is very important for the construction and formation of a subject of truth and action, which impacts public life and political action so that in this way, overcome the devastating effects of noetic and existential superficiality on people who seek the conquest of inner freedom through self-care.


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How to Cite
Dominguez, H., & Velásquez Camelo, E. E. (2023). Technologies of the self in the care of oneself: towards the conquest of inner freedom in the public-political scenario. Revista De Filosofia UCSC, 22(2), 187–215.
Author Biographies

Héctor Domínguez, Universidad Santiago de Cali

Doctor en filosofía política de la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana; Magister en Filosofía, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana; Magister en Gobierno y Políticas Públicas, Universidad EAFIT. Politólogo, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Lic. En Filosofía y Pedagogía, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. Actualmente, Director del Centro de investigación en derecho y ciencia política (CEIDE), Universidad Santiago de Cali. Profesor de ciencia política e Investigador del Grupo GICPODERI en categoría A.

Edgar Velásquez Camelo, Pontifical Xavierian University

Licenciado en filosofía y letras de la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana Colombia-Bogotá DC


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