To put an end to the Parmenidean psychopathologies. Philosophical-theological reflections

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David Solís Nova
Agostino Molteni


The emerging philosophy had in Parmenides one of its most famous precursors and undoubtedly one of the most influential in all subsequent thinking. In this work, after presenting our reading of Parmenidean thought synthetically, we aim to show the consequences that this philosophical proposal implies about what being is and what thinking means. These consequences not only affect the philosophical field but also the theological field. On the other hand, with reference to these two areas, we will attempt to develop a different proposal about being and thinking that does not fall into what we have called certain "psychopathologies" or "diseases of thought" caused by the extensive and severe Parmenidean influence.


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Solís Nova, D., & Molteni, A. . (2021). To put an end to the Parmenidean psychopathologies. Philosophical-theological reflections. Revista De Filosofia UCSC, 20(1), 53–79.


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