Relationship between Ethics and Politics in Thomas Aquinas

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Javier Fattah Jeldres


The present work aims to analyze the relationship between ethics and politics in the thought of Saint Thomas Aquinas. Discussing ethics and politics necessarily leads us to review the notion of the good, with a special emphasis on the common good. Analyzing these elements in Aquinas inevitably leads to the treatment of metaphysical principles that are the foundations of the ethical and political notions he develops. Therefore, this work will review some metaphysical principles, starting with human nature and finally examining the principle of totality and how it influences the common good. Metaphysical principles not only affect the individual, but also the government, which has certain obligations to its citizens. One of these essential obligations is to guide individuals towards the common good, as well as to maintain peace and unity within the city.



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How to Cite
Fattah Jeldres, J. (2021). Relationship between Ethics and Politics in Thomas Aquinas. Revista De Filosofia UCSC, 20(1), 27–39.


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