The Sense of Anarchy and the Anarchy of Sense in Richir and Deleuze

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Alexander Schnell
Angela Alarcón-Alvear


This article compares the philosophies of Marc Richir and Gilles Deleuze through the notions of “anarchy” and “sense,” exploring how these transform classical phenomenology. It argues that both authors replace the traditional focus on the subject with a phenomenology of Sinnbildung or “sense-in-the-making.” Richir radicalizes the phenomenological epoché toward a generative contingency, while Deleuze develops a science of surface effects rooted in concept creation and the simulacrum. Both propose a dynamic “self,” detached from traditional subjectivity, and articulate the link between interiority and exteriority in sense-making processes. This work shows how Richir and Deleuze destabilize subjective foundations, proposing an anarchic phenomenology that redefines the relationship between appearance, simulacrum, and sense production.

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Author Biographies

Alexander Schnell, Bergische Universität

Alexander Schnell is a professor of theoretical philosophy and phenomenology at the University of Wuppertal. He directs the Institute for Transcendental Philosophy and Phenomenology (ITP), the International Fichte Research Center (IFF), the Eugen Fink Center Wuppertal (EFZW), the Marc Richir Archive (MRA), and the Archive for Phenomenological Research (APF).

Angela Alarcón-Alvear, Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción

Master's degree in Didactics of Religious Education from Finis Terrae University (Chile). Master's degree in Biblical Studies from the International University of La Rioja (Spain). Bachelor's degree in Religious Sciences and Ecclesiastical Studies, as well as a Bachelor's degree in Education from the Catholic University of the Santísima Concepción (Chile). Assistant lecturer in the Department of Theology at the Faculty of Theological and Philosophical Studies.

How to Cite

The Sense of Anarchy and the Anarchy of Sense in Richir and Deleuze. (2024). Revista De Filosofia UCSC, 23(2), 46-63.


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