The Intolerable (Mandate) and the Impossible (Announcement): A Note on the Sacrifice of Metaphysics from J.-L. Marion

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Alicia Mingo


Our approach to the Saturated Phenomena in J.-L. Marion will be realized through the examples of command and announcement given in the realm of revelation. They are just intended to draw attention to the need for a Phenomenology of Giveness that encompasses what is rejected as intolerable, and even as impossible, from our human understanding. However, we must attend to saturated phenomena that would not be limited to a certain field, as some critics seem to suggest when they refer to the "theological turn" in phenomenology (Janicaud, 1991). Giveness demands to be acknowledged, and that we do not oppose it from the outset because of our metaphysical inclinations towards objectivity, calculation, control, prediction, etc. In this sense we refer to a sacrifice of metaphysics, accrediting the opportunity in order to disprove what seems to make it indispensable (rather than merely necessary), and in favour of new possibilities of thinking and the enrichment of experience. To achieve this, it would be highly relevant to protect trust in giveness, even in the most extreme cases, which in our examples also give credence to freedom.

Article Details


Dossier: The Status of Metaphysics in the Work of Jean-Luc Marion

Author Biography

Alicia Mingo, Universidad de Sevilla

She is a Tenured Associate Professor (Accredited Full Professor) in the area of Moral Philosophy at the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Seville. She served as Secretary of the Spanish Society of Phenomenology (1998-2006) and is currently its Vice President.

How to Cite

The Intolerable (Mandate) and the Impossible (Announcement): A Note on the Sacrifice of Metaphysics from J.-L. Marion. (2024). Revista De Filosofia UCSC, 23(2), 385 – 408.


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