Pascal and the anxiety of faith

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Emmanuel Falque
Francisco Novoa-Rojas


This article explores the concept of "restlessness" in Christian faith according to Blaise Pascal. The author distinguishes three types of restlessness in Pascal's thought: metaphysical restlessness in the face of death, spiritual restlessness due to the world's distractions, and the restlessness of salvation and sin for the believer. Pascal describes a genuine anguish in the face of finitude (death) and in the face of sin (separation from God). However, beyond that, there is a unique Christian restlessness in Pascal, one that "intensifies" responsibility by being bound to God. In "The Conversion of the Sinner" (1653), there is restlessness "about" faith, a fear of the possibility of belief. Then, in the experience of the "Memorial" (1654), there is restlessness "within" faith, a fear of losing God once one has believed and loved. It is not enough to believe, but one must continue to believe, even in uncertainty. The "Memorial" consecrates not only the memory of the past but also fidelity to what has occurred. Peace disappears in the second version, showing that faith is not a permanent state. Restlessness is constitutive of the believing existence for Pascal. It is not about achieving certainty but about continuing to believe once belief has already been embraced.

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Author Biographies

Emmanuel Falque, Institut catholique de Paris

He earned his Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of La Sorbonne and obtained a Bachelor's degree in theology from the Centro Sèvres in Paris. He is a professor at the Faculty of Philosophy at the Catholic Institute of Paris and an adjunct professor at the University of Notre Dame Australia. He has been invited as a lecturer at various universities in Europe, the Americas, and Australia, and is a member of the editorial committee of the Revue de Sciences Philosophiques et Théologiques. His research interests encompass phenomenology, patristic and medieval philosophy, and the philosophy of religion. Among his numerous publications, notable works include "Saint Bonaventure et l’entrée de Dieu en théologie" (2001), "Dieu, la chair et l’autre, d’Irénée à Duns Scot" (2008), "Pasar Getsemaní" (2013), "Pasar el Rubicón" (2016), "Metamorfosis de la finitud" (2017), and "Las bodas del Cordero" (2018).

Francisco Novoa-Rojas, Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción

Bachelor's degree in Philosophy from the Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción. Master's degree in Philosophy from Alberto Hurtado University. Lecturer in the Department of Philosophy at the Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción.

How to Cite

Pascal and the anxiety of faith. (2023). Revista De Filosofia UCSC, 22(2), 251-277.


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