God’s experience: Intellectual movement towards the foundation of the power of the real

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Rafael Antolínez Camargo


In the present work, the author reflects on the religious experience and, in particular, about the experience
that man has of God as the “foundation” of the “Power of the real”, from the philosophical perspective
of Xavier Zubiri. After briefly outline the concept of experience in some milestones of philosophy, we
address three issues: 1. the theological problem of man, 2. experience as physical probation of reality
and, 3. the religious experience as a person’s conformation into something absolute. It is a matter, then,
of showing how by virtue of religation, not of religion, religious experience consists primarily of an
intellective march towards the “foundation” of the “power of the real”, like a probing march, “groping”,
with a view to the configuration and realization of the person in something absolute. Human personal
life is nothing other than a deiformation, (being real in God) process.

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Author Biography

Rafael Antolínez Camargo, Universidad Santo Tomás, Bogotá, Colombia


How to Cite

God’s experience: Intellectual movement towards the foundation of the power of the real. (2023). Revista De Filosofia UCSC, 16(2). https://doi.org/10.21703/2735-6353.2017.16.2.2289


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