Real death and symbolic death: the function of the rite in the duel work

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Luca de Vittorio


In the present article, the relevance of ritual in the work of mourning will be expounded, making possible the transition from real death to symbolic death. To this end, a philosophical reflection on death will be initiated, linking it with Lacan's definition of a “hole in the real.” It will seek to show that, although the subject cannot evade this radical phenomenon, they can still act by assuming it. Subsequently, Žižek's distinction between symbolic death and real death will be problematized, illustrated through Hamlet and other classical Greek tragedies. Then, the concept of “mourning” will be analysed from a psychoanalytic perspective, addressing elements of Freud's reflection and its connection with Lacan's definition of death. Finally, it will be argued that ritual is essential for the effectiveness of mourning, allowing the coupling of real death to symbolic death and completing the

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Author Biography

Luca de Vittorio, Diego Portales University

Licenciado en Filosofía Universidad de Chile. Estudiante de Magíster en Psicoanálisis Universidad Diego Portales.

How to Cite

Real death and symbolic death: the function of the rite in the duel work. (2024). Revista De Filosofia UCSC, 23(1), 268-284.


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