Affirmation of life through politics: an approach to the concept of political action in Hannah Arendt
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This article examines the influence exerted by violence in the construction of the State. Likewise, from the perspective of Hannah Arendt, politics is analyzed as a space where life is affirmed and protected through political action and legal norms. It is about reasoning the political-violence dualism, and violence-legal norms. In this sense, the question that gives rise to this writing is stated in the following terms: how is it possible to reaffirm life as a will through politics and take care of human existence in a context where violence seems to be consubstantial to the state form and how the political community is built? A rigorous examination of the circumstances that force the analysis of this question, necessarily leads to assert that "life can only be affirmed through the exercise of politics, when the political society is conceived as an institutional construction whose main goal is to combine the freedom of individuals and collectivities with the unity of legal norms.
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