The craftsman of names: The presence of Plato's Cratylus in the Nicholas of Cusa’s Idiota. De mente on the imposition of names
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Nicholas of Cusa (1401-1464), whose thought unfolds on the threshold of Modernity, is explicitly known to be the heir of a plural Platonic tradition. The presence of Plato's dialogues with which Nicholas of Cusa had contact, either directly or indirectly, is decisive. The purpose of this article is to study one of the central topics of Cusan's conception of language, that is, the naming of things, in the light of its treatment in the third of the Idiotae libri, the De mente (1450), and to evaluate the plausible presence of Plato's Cratylus in its development. Our aim is to offer a perspective that has not been sufficiently explored in the international sphere of Cusan studies.
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