Jean-Luc Marion on Knowing and Loving in Light of Attachment to Falsehood

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Stephen Lewis
Juan Pablo Espínola


How does Jean-Luc Marion understand the relationship between knowing and loving, especially in the historical context he outlines of the relationship between metaphysics and the phenomenology of givenness? This paper suggests that the phenomenon of knowingly clinging to a falsehood, especially as analyzed by St. Augustine and developed by Marion, can serve as a path toward answering the question. The truth illuminates in a manner that accuses one who clings to a falsehood (veritas redarguens); in the historical context of metaphysics, the one thus exposed by the light is the “demiurgic” ego, whose godlike transcendental pretentions include erotic intentions just as strong as those found in pre- and post-metaphysical thought. Analysis of the phenomenon of attachment to error suggests that the structure of Augustinian confessio is intrinsic to any philosophical engagement with the truth.

Article Details


Dossier: The Status of Metaphysics in the Work of Jean-Luc Marion

Author Biographies

Stephen Lewis, Franciscan University of Steubenville

Stephen E. Lewis, Jr. is a Professor of English at Franciscan University of Steubenville, with expertise in English and French literature. He holds a Ph.D. from the University of Chicago and has contributed significantly to literary studies through teaching, translation, and research. His work often intersects phenomenology and literature, exploring themes like personhood and givenness. Lewis is fluent in French and has translated key philosophical texts, including works by Jean-Luc Marion and Emmanuel Falque. Additionally, he has published extensively in academic journals and edited several scholarly volumes, highlighting his multidisciplinary approach to humanities.

Juan Pablo Espínola, University of Buenos Aires

Estudiante de Licenciatura en Filosofía en la Univerisdad de Buenos Aires, Argentina.

How to Cite

Jean-Luc Marion on Knowing and Loving in Light of Attachment to Falsehood. (2024). Revista De Filosofia UCSC, 23(2), 454 – 471.


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