The prophet and the theologian: religious immanence and theological transcendence in Spinoza's thought.

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Julian David Silva Martínez


The reading that Spinoza has received has varied according to the time and the interests of his interpreters. Some readings, such as those of his contemporaries, have found in him a source of radical atheism, while romanticism will call him “the drunkard of God”. These interpretations also allow judgments to be made about revealed religions, that is, about positive religions such as Christianity, Judaism or Islam. A classical reading of Spinoza has totally denigrated religion. In this article, however, I propose to show that this interpretation is mistaken, for Spinoza understands religion as an imaginative worldview that allows, through affections, tradition and obedience, the cohesion of the community. Theology, distinct from religion, will be Spinoza's true adversary. In order to comply with the above, the two figures that express each social field will be analyzed: the prophet and the theologian. The hypothesis is that the prophet expresses a relationship of immanence before his community, while the theologian is established on the basis of a transcendent representation, executing a political dominion of servitude and superstition over his faithful. 

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The prophet and the theologian: religious immanence and theological transcendence in Spinoza’s thought. (2024). Revista De Filosofia UCSC, 23(2), 185-216.


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