Christian humanism or posthuman paganism?

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Luis Gabriel Capelari
Pablo Petroni


Starting from a supposedly ‘liberating’ experience of man's being in modernity, a correlate of secularization, in this paper we present some essential traces of the profound anti-humanist critique -advanced in the twentieth century- of this ideal man already in acute crisis. In this sense, the current cultural experience largely considers that this ‘man’ ‘constructs’ himself from his will and freedom unanchored from God and truth, with the objective of a posthuman life. We maintain that this is an infrahuman neo-paganism, characterized by an immanentist, post-metaphysical and materialistic thought that does not recognize the reality of man and his transcendence - to a great extent, in power and politics or in the power of the technoscience of the transhumanist ideal - a truth in which he can only live with dignity and happiness. We will defend the importance of restoring the Christian -and more precisely Catholic- matrix for an integral formation of the person as authentic humanism.

     We maintain that this is an infrahuman neo-paganism, characterized by an immanentist, post-metaphysical and materialistic thought that does not recognize the reality of man and his transcendence - to a great extent, in power and politics or in the power of the technoscience of the transhumanist ideal - a truth in which he can only live with dignity and happiness. We will defend the importance of restoring the Christian -and more precisely Catholic- matrix for an integral formation of the person as authentic humanism.

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Author Biographies

Luis Gabriel Capelari, Universidad Católica de Santa Fe

Licenciado en Filosofía por la Universidad Nacional del Litoral, donde ha desarrollado tareas de docencia e investigador en Antropología filosófica, Filosofía contemporánea y Producción y comprensión de textos filosóficos. Actualmente, docente e investigador en la Universidad Católica de Santa Fe en las áreas de Antropología filosófica e Historia de la Filosofía contemporánea, para el Dpto. de Filosofía y Teología y la Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades.

Pablo Petroni, Universidad Católica de Santa Fe

Profesor en Filosofía por la Universidad Católica de Santa Fe, donde ha desarrollado tareas de docencia e investigador en Antropología filosófica, Filosofía y Epistemología. Actualmente, docente e investigador en la Universidad Católica de Santa Fe en las áreas de Antropología filosófica y Filosofía, para el Departamento de Filosofía y Teología, la Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades, Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud y Facultad de Ciencias Económicas.

How to Cite

Christian humanism or posthuman paganism?. (2024). Revista De Filosofia UCSC, 23(1), 249-267.


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