The individual against history. Kierkegaard and the search of a phenomenology of existence. An approach to the problem
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The paper presents an approach to the possibility of tracing the thought of Søren Kierkegaard seeking a phenomenology that, by its determinants, might denominate phenomenology of existence. First, it is suggested delimitation against Hegel's dialectic based on historical knowledge. Second, tracked the negative aspects, from Kierkegaard, this approach brings to the individual, as responsible for himself. Third, some keys to a new dialectic are delimited whose center is the individual, that is, a dialectic that emphasizes the subjective spirit more than the objective spirit, and assumes the impossibility of knowing reality in opposition to historical knowledge. In this sense of impossibility, in the last moments of the writing, the function of the negative thing is traced, not in relation with the formation of one to know conceptual, but in the constitution of a dialectics of existence, where they are essential, for his ambiguity, negative phenomena such as boredom, anxiety, despair, and melancholy.
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