Myth and tradition: Two components of the historical tale. An analisis guided by the studies of L. Duch and J. Huizinga.
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The aim of this paper is to create a dialogue between two recognized authors in both philosophical and anthropological affairs: Lluís Duch and Johan Huizinga. Duch postulates a reflection of the existence itself following the linguistics and morphological elements used by the Ancient Greeks to explain and to argue the complexities of the human condition: mythos and logos. In this paper we want to examine this thesis defended by Duch, and to applicate it to the study of history. If history, understood as story of the past, is a man’s creation, then is a logical consequence that history has an important mythological element. To make this statement plausible, we have to study the philological bases of mythos and logos. In second place, we have to approach to the topic of history -following primarily J. Huizinga- as the spiritual product by which a generation “give account of their past”. At the conclusion of our work, we are going to prove that the history of any place or time has itself an important mythological element that, instead of being depreciated, claims for a special attention of philosophers, anthropologists and historians.
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How to Cite
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