What if we cannot see goodness? The "person properties" as an alternative for moral perceptualism.

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Jacobo Villalobos


Drawing from philosophy of mind and philosophical ethics, moral perceptualism argues that we can have perceptual experiences of moral properties, such as "good" or "bad," in the same way that we have perceptual experiences of colors and shapes. That is: moral perceptualism argues that we can literally, directly and simply see evil, for example. Despite their wide field of study, these perspectives have met with formidable objections, such as the objection of appearances or Humean criticisms, to which no satisfactory answers have been given. This text aims to argue that many of the problems confronting moral perceptualism are the product of a vague characterization of the moral properties to which perception purportedly applies, and to postulate an alternative type of property that can be both morally relevant and apprehensible by perceptual experience. To this end, so-called person properties are going to be postulated as an alternative option, and their ethical value and relevance for moral perceptualism will be grounded by means of the notion of ethical supervenience. It will be stressed that this route deserves to be explored in virtue of its potential to overcome the usual criticisms of moral perceptualism.

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Author Biography

Jacobo Villalobos, Alberto Hurtado University

Licenciado en Comunicación Social por la Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV) y Magíster en Filosofía por la Universidad Alberto Hurtado (UAH).

How to Cite

What if we cannot see goodness? The "person properties" as an alternative for moral perceptualism. (2024). Revista De Filosofia UCSC, 23(1), 201-234. https://doi.org/10.21703/2735-6353.2024.23.1.2293


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