Self-realization, education and morality: a Zubirian interpretation

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Giuseppe Zaffaroni


The purpose of this essay is to verify the compatibility of the requirements that become contradictory because of the use of the terminology in certain cultural contexts:
the ideal of self-realization seems to oppose itself to the necessity of following an educational process and the possibility of submitting to moral requirements. With the help of elements of the philosophy of Xavier Zubiri we intend to demonstrate how, at bottom, all human reality is involved in a process of self-realization, due to the fact that the human being is an open entity, structurally moral, that is destined to be carried out through the free appropriation of realities that present themselves to it as possibilities. However, this process does not take place in a vacuum, but rather in the context of family, social, and historical relationships, which are the essential conditions that permit the humanity and its liberty to occur. The educational relationship, which
is understood as the encounter with the other and the reception-verification of a
tradition, reveals itself, as an indispensable condition for the existence of a truly free
subject capable of an authentic self-realization.

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Author Biography

Giuseppe Zaffaroni, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Puerto Rico


How to Cite

Self-realization, education and morality: a Zubirian interpretation. (2023). Revista De Filosofia UCSC, 16(1).


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