Notes on the (bio)ethical state of human enhancement technologies

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Daniel Toscano


This reflection analyzes the bioethical aspects inherent to human enhancement technologies (TMH), which refer to the ethical implications of genetic intervention, biochemical transformation, and technological modification of the body and brain. To achieve this objective, first, the problem of "emotional illiteracy" is raised, a concept coined by Günter Anders that is used to highlight the difficulty in reflecting on technology in general and human enhancement technologies in particular. Secondly, the key issues in dispute related to TMH are identified, and the main arguments presented by both the proponents (transhumanists) and their critics (conservationists) are reconstructed. Thirdly, the ethical limits of using TMH are questioned, and finally, an analysis is provided on the extent of the moral duty to intervene technologically (TMH) in cases such as the era of socio-environmental crises.

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Author Biography

Daniel Toscano, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Bachelor's degree in Philosophy from Pontifical Javeriana University. Master's degree in Political Studies from Pontifical Javeriana University. Master's degree in Philosophy from Pontifical Javeriana University. Master's degree in Philosophy from Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. Ph.D. in Philosophy from Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. Postgraduate lecturer at the University of Valparaíso.

How to Cite

Notes on the (bio)ethical state of human enhancement technologies. (2023). Revista De Filosofia UCSC, 22(1), 31-59.


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