Approaches to the relationship between science and mystic in Teilhard de Chardin

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Andrés Moreno Saldaña


The relationship between religion and scientific activity, between mysticism and objective knowledge, has historically been problematic. The thought of Teilhard de Chardin, a Catholic priest and scientist, contains many elements that allow for a fruitful dialogue in this regard. His evolutionary theory is permeated by interpretations of a theological nature: his faith in evolution is not separated from his inner life, from his mysticism and asceticism, from his personal devotion. It explores man's spiritual experience through a particular division of human life: the field of our activities and the field of our passivity’s. In his writings, Teilhard carries out a kind of mystical pedagogy that greatly compromises our conception and personal relationship with the universe in its entirety. He himself recognizes, after reviewing historical attitudes with respect to scientific inquiry, the urgent vocation of modern consciousness towards a mysticism of science. The French thinker thus makes a valuable effort to integrate scientific research with the mystical and unitive path. In this essay a brief introduction to his particular vision will be made.

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How to Cite

Approaches to the relationship between science and mystic in Teilhard de Chardin. (2024). Inmanere, 3, 64-72.


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