Saint Agustine and Heidegger: philosophies of the search for self

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Natalia González Henao


This paper pretends to connect the thoughts of San Agustin of Hippo (2010) and Martin Heidegger (1997, 2009, 2012). recalling the influence of the Hiponense on the German philosopher. This is possible due to two fundamental elements in both authors: the conception of time and the importance of going to the inside world as one of the great existential concerns. Therefore, emphasis will be placed on the similarities and differences of these two philosophies in terms of what has already been described. Additionally, the different ways of reaching the same conclusion will be shown: temporality is essential to start the most important search, the search of self.

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Saint Agustine and Heidegger: philosophies of the search for self. (2024). Inmanere, 3, 55-63.


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