In surplus: Excess and background, splendor and abyss. Notes on the relevance of Marion´s phenomenology of givenness for the inner experience in G. Bataille
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The article deals with Marion’s phenomenology of givenness, especially with regard to the critique of the metaphysics implicit in the defense of the relevance of the saturated phenomenon, in order to glimpse that this phenomenology does not restrict its validity to that which could grant it an experience on the horizon of extraordinary events and, in particular, of religious faith, which would favor thinking that givenness has only a partial and restricted scope (in the context of the theological turn of French phenomenology), and therefore merely regional, even above all subjective. By way of suggestion, it will be proposed here as a hypothesis that, beyond the ostensible difference between Marion and Bataille, between the experience of givenness and the inner experience of one and the other, respectively, it is possible to discover a community of basis and background that can be clarified precisely by the phenomenology of givenness, thus demonstrating that this latter does not find its legitimacy merely in the territory of the phenomenon of revelation (faith) nor in the extremism of givenness, Marion having already endeavored, in another of the critical fronts he has had to address, to think of “low-intensity” or banal saturation.
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