In regard to the Contemporary Relevance of Thomism: The case of the concept of Analogy in Hermeneutics

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Mauricio Beuchot


El thought de Santo Tomás has found relevance tanto in philosophy como in theology. It has done so because both disciplines have become hermeneutical, without neglecting ontology. The reason is that in both, a great deal of interpretation is used, as they deal with texts, both from philosophers and from the Holy Scriptures. This will address what could be an application of Thomism to the philosophy of language from the perspective of hermeneutics. This will benefit philosophy in general, that of our time. This will demonstrate the relevance and validity of Thomism today.


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Beuchot, M. (2023). In regard to the Contemporary Relevance of Thomism: The case of the concept of Analogy in Hermeneutics. Revista De Filosofia UCSC, 22(2), 11–23.
Author Biography

Mauricio Beuchot, Universidad Autónoma de México

Mauricio Hardie Beuchot Puente holds a Bachelor's degree in Philosophy from the Instituto Superior Autónomo de Occidente (now known as the University of Valle de Atemajac) and a Master's and Doctorate in Philosophy from the Universidad Iberoamericana. He is a full-time research professor at the Institute of Philological Research at the UNAM (National Autonomous University of Mexico) and is recognized as a Level III member of the National System of Researchers. His primary research interests include Aesthetics, Medieval and Novohispanic Philosophy, Structuralism, and Hermeneutics. He has authored over a hundred books, including titles such as "Interpretation of the Human Being: An Essay on Philosophical Anthropology" (Herder, 2019) and "Analogical and Iconic Hermeneutics: Clues in History for Contemporary Relevance" (LAMBDA, 2022).


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