Revolution in Gesinnung: an interpretation of moral rigorism
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In the context of the studies on the Kantian work Religion within the Boundaries of Mere Reason, the doctrine of the “revolution in Gesinnung” is analyzed, with the objective of evaluating its coherence with the Kantian moral philosophy exposed in this work, especially with moral rigorism. For this purpose, a qualitative methodology of bibliographical analysis of specialized literature on the Kantian work is employed, contrasting two lines of interpretation, namely, that which interprets Religion as enigmatic and contradictory, on the one hand, and, on the other, that which defends its coherence. As a result of the investigation, the following hypothesis is expected to be verified: the doctrine of the revolution in Gesinnung is consistent with the moral philosophy expounded in the Religion, since, by virtue of moral rigorism and the duty to become better moral subjects, a single subjective foundation of the adoption of maxims, a fundamental disposition (Gesinnung) good or bad, is demanded, therefore, the revolution in Gesinnung becomes necessary.
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