Narrative Identity and its reflection in Poetic Dwelling: Space-Time Rootedness from Paul Ricoeur and Martin Heidegger

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Christian Miranda


This research postulates that the Ricoeurian narrative identity and the Heideggerian poetic dwelling can be mutually complemented and enhanced to generate a root that allows us to coexist adequately with the scientific-technological world. In the contemporary world, all aspects of human action have acquired an almost total dependence on technique and its structures of ontic deployment. Within this horizon, each facet of human life undergoes a certain modification, and therefore, an existential affectation. In this sense, our space-temporal experience of the world is also fundamentally modified. As a methodical tool to unfold the dialogue between the narrative identity and the poetic dwelling, the dwelling will be taken as an eminent place to think about the space-time game of the world from where the human being recognizes himself. To achieve this aim, first, this article will describe the way in which the roots of poetic dwelling and narrative identity reiterate, in their own way, our self at the existential ontological level. Secondly, some modalities of space-time affectation caused by the technological-scientific changes of our era will be specified. Finally, as a fundamental objective, it is intended to generate a broad understanding of the reciprocity between narrative identity and poetic dwelling, showing its potential dynamic, conceptual and co-empowerment relationship.

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Author Biography

Christian Miranda, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile

Licenciado en Filosofía y Letras por la Universidad Católica Boliviana San Pablo, Licenciado en música por la Facultad de Artes Alcántara Machado y doctorando en Filosofía por la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Autor de: Miranda, C. (2020). La realidad virtual como reflejo de absorción. El espacio y la temporalidad desde Heidegger, Heráclito y Borges. Revista Yachay (71), 95-114; Miranda, C., Gracia, O. (2018). Mayo del 68: una reinterpretación de su significación política. Ciencia y Cultura, (40), 31-54.

How to Cite

Narrative Identity and its reflection in Poetic Dwelling: Space-Time Rootedness from Paul Ricoeur and Martin Heidegger. (2022). Revista De Filosofia UCSC, 21(1), 93-111.


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