The relevance of personalist criticism of positivism and Marxism: fertility of the concept of person to confront the socio-sanitary crisis

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Grisel Ramírez Valdés


The social, political, economic, and health-related reality we experience today denotes that we are living through a planetary crisis that convulses all social relationships. It is a theoretical imperative to revisit the fecundity of the concept of personhood and Emmanuel Mounier's critique of positivism and Marxism in the 20th century. Mounier's critique was based on the notion of personhood, deeply rooted in Western Christian theology, and is now considered a World Cultural Heritage for enabling the foundation of the global validity of Human Rights and the possibility of creating a Universal Ethics. This research proposes to resize the value of Mounier's personalist philosophy and his evangelical activism towards the poor as a new humanism, not just theoretical, but practical. Through a chronological and bibliographical review of the most relevant moments of personalism, this research aims to understand the fecundity of the reflection on the concept of personhood, as well as the relevance of this thinker's critique of positivism and Marxism, in order to contribute to situating the ethical and socio-political axis of the current socio-health situation facing humanity.

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The relevance of personalist criticism of positivism and Marxism: fertility of the concept of person to confront the socio-sanitary crisis. (2020). Revista De Filosofia UCSC, 19(1), 61-78.


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