The Profound Persistence of Christian Eschatological Structures in the Western World Today

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Luis Alejandro Vargas Vidal


Christian eschatology has left an indelible mark on the fabric of Western thought, infiltrating and shaping its fundamental ideological structures. Even in an era defined by pronounced secularism, these doctrinal foundations persist with remarkable tenacity. The purpose of this study is to demonstrate how Christian narratives of history, imbued with eschatological hope—particularly those articulated in the paradigmatic works of Saint Augustine, The City of God and The Confessions—continue to exert influence on philosophical speculation, the political sphere, visions of technical-scientific progress, and strategic responses to current environmental crises. This work argues that the attempt to forge an entirely secular reality is an illusion. The very structure of our thought is nothing more than the legacy of a Christian worldview that has been recontextualized, metamorphosed, and sometimes secularized in its form and function. Through this analysis, it will be revealed how the patterns and structures of Christian eschatological thought have not only withstood the passage of time but continue to emerge as enduring signals in the collective psyche of Western civilization, influencing interpretations of history and our contemporary stances.

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Author Biography

Luis Alejandro Vargas Vidal, +56940605593

I am pleased to introduce myself as a Bachelor in Humanities and currently a third-year student of the Philosophy degree at Gabriela Mistral University. In addition to my background in humanities, I have a solid foundation in the field of sciences, being a professional Pharmacist.

My area of interest is broad and diverse. I am fascinated by delving into topics such as the theory of knowledge (epistemology), logic, metaphysics, philosophy of religion, and philosophy of sciences. Each of these fields allows me to explore and better understand the complexity of the world and humanity.

I hope to have the opportunity to contribute with my knowledge and experiences in both the field of humanities and sciences.

How to Cite

The Profound Persistence of Christian Eschatological Structures in the Western World Today. (2024). Inmanere, 3, 16-25.



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