Pyrrhonism in Blaise Pascal's wager argument

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Alison Caceres


The fragment known as "The Argument of the Wager" (Pascal, 2012, Fr. 418-233) is one of the most extensive in Pascal's work, Thoughts. In this dialogue between a Pyrrhonist and a believer, there is a debate on the advisability of betting in favor of the existence of God. In this paper, I propose to examine the presence of the Pyrrhonian in the argument and to consider how Pascal deals with it. This proposal allows us to analyze an ethical-religious and practical problem posed by the Frenchman in the argument: what kind of life is preferable: that which immerses itself in Pyrrhonism and, by the suspension of judgment, bets neither for nor against the existence of God, among other things? Or that which bets in favor of the existence of God and lives according to Christian customs? Through this approach, I argue that the presence of Pyrrhonism in the argument from the wager cannot be ignored or silenced, since it plays a fundamental, though not exceptional, role in Thoughts.

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