The term the first: observations on the intuition of the first principles in Aristotle

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Sebastian Mejía Morales


The term τά πρῶτα presents new readings to understand one of the most emblematic writings attributed to the fifth-century philosopher, the Posterior Analytics, a celebrated book of tradition considered the "preamble" of Western Science. This paper shows a different view of the Anglo-Saxon discussion of the doctrine of intuition of first principles by the term τά πρῶτα. In addition, we demonstrate its relevance in Aristotelian thought, showing it as one of the first bets of the stalactite to differentiate itself from the theory of his master’s ideas. We inquire in the work with the intention of evidencing that Aristotle’s purpose is not explicitly the sketch of a "scientific system," but the establishment of the basis for a gnoseology, justified in the criticism and examination of Plato’s considerations.

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The term the first: observations on the intuition of the first principles in Aristotle. (2023). Inmanere, 2, 108-118.


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