Boris Márquez – Eric Forcael, The Awakening of the Pentecostal Movement in Greater Concepción. The origins 1903-1933, Corporación Sendas, Concepción 2021, 134 pp.




wake, pentecostal moviment, Concepcion


With the review of this book I would like to return to a tradition that our journal Anales de Teología has had since the first decade of this century. It is about contributing to the ecumenical dialogue by spreading the self-understanding of Pentecostalism present in our region. Moved by a double reason, the majority of Christians who are not Catholics of the Great Conception are Pentecostals and because there is no complete ecumenism if this movement is not integrated, or at least attempted, into ecumenical dialogue.


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Author Biography

Patricio Merino Beas, Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción

Doctor en Teología


Boris Márquez – Eric Forcael, El Despertar del Movimiento Pentecostal en el Gran Concepción. Los orígenes 1903-1933, Corporación Sendas, Concepción, 2021.



How to Cite

Merino Beas, P. . (2022). Boris Márquez – Eric Forcael, The Awakening of the Pentecostal Movement in Greater Concepción. The origins 1903-1933, Corporación Sendas, Concepción 2021, 134 pp. Anales De Teología, 24(1), 119–120.

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