de Teología2024-08-30T16:33:29+00:00Francisco Novoa Rojasanalesteologia@ucsc.clOpen Journal Systems<p style="text-align: justify;">The journal<strong><em><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Anales de Teología </span></em></strong><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">of the</span><strong><em><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"> Universidad Católica de la Santísima</span></em><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"> Concepción</span></strong><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"> (An.Teol.)</span>, began its first publication in 1998 (ISSN 0717-4152). Since then, it has continuously published academic research papers in the field of theology. Starting from 2022 (ISSN 2735-6345), in response to the changing times, the journal transitions to a fully online format, maintaining its original quality. It is published twice a year, with one issue in each semester.</p> Sequeri - K. Appel - C. Casalone - D. Cornati - J. Duque - I. Guanzini - M. Neri - G. C. Pagazzi - V. Rosito - G. Serrano - L. Vantini, Rescuing Fraternity. Together, (Humana Communitas 1), Libreria Editrice Vaticana, Cittá del Vaticano 2021, 168 pp. I2024-08-30T16:33:29+00:00Pablo<p>The book offers more than just a review of Pope Francis's encyclical <em>Fratelli tutti</em>; it presents a genuine challenge to the intellectual world and theology to critically examine ecclesial and social realities, contributing to an intellectual fraternity. The statement that encapsulates this call is as follows: "Within intellectual fraternity, everything can be gained; outside of it, everything that is common in humanity, starting with what is degraded and abandoned in countless ways, is its decisive counterpart" (p.86).</p>2024-06-25T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Pablo Uribe a disability theology for the Ghanaian context2024-04-12T00:36:32+00:00Isaac<p>Disability theology is an emerging field within theological inquiry that explores the intersection of human perceptions of God and humanity through the lens of disability experiences. In Ghana, Christian literature on the subject predominantly focuses on caregiving and ethical considerations related to disability with just a little attention to the theological dimensions on disability. This research was, therefore, conducted to formulate a theology of disability based on the intersection of theology to serve the Ghanaian Christian need. A literature-based research methodology to collect, analyze and synthesize information from previously published studies on the subject matter. The theological framework espoused in this research engages with questions of <em>imago Dei, </em>sin and prosperity theology in relation to disability. The paper ends with recommendations to promote advocacy, social justice and the full inclusion and rights of individuals with disabilities within both religious and societal contexts.</p>2024-06-25T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Isaac Boaheng hermeneutical proposal for thinking the roles of women in the Church: the case of Mujeres Iglesia and the character of Prisca in the New Testament2024-01-04T20:15:39+00:00Juan<p>Christian feminist movements, including the Chilean group Mujeres Iglesia (MI), have tried to answer the question of the role of women in the ecclesial community, in search of greater equity and justice. To this end, MI proposes to seek sources of inspiration in biblical texts. This article analyzes the characteristics of the Chilean Christian feminist movement and the roles played by one of the women members of the first assemblies of Jesus’ followers: Prisca. To do so, we study the dynamic role of women in Christianity and society, from the characterization offered by the New Testament texts (Paul's letters and the book of Acts). This hermeneutical proposal allows us to affirm that Prisca is an illuminative figure for the understanding of women’s leadership in the church, given the multifaceted character of her authority, mainly as a collaborator, that is, a woman leader of the Early Christian communities.</p>2024-06-25T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Juan Salazar and love in Anselm of Canterbury2024-04-11T17:11:47+00:00Eva Pamela Reyes Gacitú<p>Anselm, known as Doctor magnificus and father of Scholastics, reached his peak in Monologium and Proslogion, where he provides an original perspective for treating faith by giving evidence of the existence and nature of God. The aim of this paper is examining the "knowledge and love" binomial, starting from Anselmian argumentation that allows our thinking of man, whose understanding and intelligence are relevant, though not the only faculties. To do this, three issues are developed along the philosophical and theological path which, firstly, goes deeper into understanding knowledge and reason. Secondly, it addresses the understanding of faith and, finally, coinvolve intelligence and heart.</p>2024-06-25T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Eva Pamela Reyes Gacitúa call to holiness in the formation of future diocesan priests from the context of synodality and the training proposal of Blessed Manuel Domingo y Sol2024-05-24T14:43:52+00:00Ariel Zottolaarizottola79@gmail.comIván<p>In this article, the research carried out on the call to holiness in the formation of future diocesan priests will be offered, from the current context of synodality and the writings of Blessed Manuel Domingo y Sol, proposing that the theme be assumed as part of the training style of the Fraternity of Diocesan Labourer Priests. In its development, a dialogue is offered between the texts of Don Manuel with contemporary authors, to find concrete clues for formation in the current context of synodality. Firstly, the call to holiness is developed in the dynamics of discipleship and then, entering into the missionary dimension of the priestly vocation and holiness, concrete paths are indicated to seek to live the call to holiness in the exercise of the ministry from pastoral charity, which favor communion, participation and mission. Finally, clues are offered to live the call to holiness in the exercise of parish ministry from synodality.</p>2024-06-25T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Ariel Zottola, Iván-Darío Toro-Jaramillo and ecumenism ecumenical formation contributes to synodal formation2024-04-11T17:25:12+00:00Patricio<p>This article highlights the relationship between synodality and ecumenism, in addition to the need for the formation of the People of God. But, above all, we focus on the possibilities of ecumenical formation, which also contributes to synodal formation. To do this, we will analyze some ideas from documents that relate synodality and ecumenism. Such as, International Theological Commission: “Synodality in the life and mission of the Church” (2018). Also, the “Ecumenical Vademecum” of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity (2020); and the “Synthesis Report” of the XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops in its First Session (2023). Then we focus on the presentation of an important instrument for ecumenical formation, such as the recently published book titled: Walking Together: Manual of Ecumenism (2023). All with the purpose of drawing attention to the validity of ecumenical dialogue in Catholic Christianity involved in processes that lead to a more synodal Church.</p>2024-06-25T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Patricio Merino poor and poverty in the social thought of Pope Francis2024-08-29T03:39:05+00:00Leslie Sá<p>In this work will investigate the social thought of Pope Francis in relation to the poor and poverty from the encyclical Fratelli Tutti. I understand poverty as the lack of capabilities that a person has to develop in society. Pope Francis sees poverty as a concern that affects dignity and the rights of por people. In addition, he points out that unemployment is one of its main causes.Therefore, work can be an effective solution to combat poverty. The Holy Father is aware that this phenomenon affects the elderly, adults, youth and children, but specially he knows thst women are the most affected. The Pope not only comments on the problem that poverty itself is posing, but goes further, calling Catholics and non-Catholics to act, to go out to meet the poor, with solidarity, charity, opening paths towards fraternity. He also points out that structural changes are fundamental to overcome this problem.</p>2024-06-25T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 scopes of the idea of God in the Metaphysical Meditations of René Descartes2024-02-29T13:32:18+00:00Adolfo Ayala<p>This essay critically addresses the methodological development proposed by René Descartes regarding: (1) The demonstration of the existence of God through the causa sui argument and the ontological argument. (2) The implications and effects of the non-existence of God in the Cartesian system. For this analysis, the reflections raised by Descartes in meditations III, IV and V of his Metaphysical Meditations will be used. In addition, a bibliographic review is proposed that addresses the main criticisms of the idea of God in Descartes, also allowing to clarify concepts such as: Idea; Substance; Causa sui argument; and ontological argument. The main hypothesis of the work buttresses the idea of God that Descartes proposes is not directly related to his objective existence outside the subject's mind, on the contrary, this idea is susceptible of being built from the res cogintans. This situation affects the system that Descartes proposes, denying the logical possibility of a clear and distinct knowledge of external reality.</p>2024-06-25T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Adolfo Ayala Heitmann