Anales de Teología 2023-12-26T15:49:06+00:00 Francisco Novoa Rojas Open Journal Systems <p style="text-align: justify;">The journal<strong><em><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Anales de Teología </span></em></strong><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">of the</span><strong><em><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"> Universidad Católica de la Santísima</span></em><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"> Concepción</span></strong><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"> (An.Teol.)</span>, began its first publication in 1998 (ISSN 0717-4152). Since then, it has continuously published academic research papers in the field of theology. Starting from 2022 (ISSN 2735-6345), in response to the changing times, the journal transitions to a fully online format, maintaining its original quality. It is published twice a year, with one issue in each semester.</p> PATRICIO MERINO BEAS – PEDRO GÓMEZ DÍAZ, Teología y diversidad. Ecoteología, cultura del encuentro y del cuidado de los unos a los otros. (Theologia et Philosophia 5), Ediciones UCSC, 2022, 208 pp. ISBN978-956-6068-40-2 2023-03-29T15:42:26+00:00 Ángela Alarcón <p><br />This book is a response to Pope Francis' call to embrace a change that involves a renewal and conversion centered on the Gospel of Jesus, considering the spiritual, social, and integral dimensions of human beings. It delves into current theological topics related to the care of our common home, the building of a culture of encounter to move towards a culture of mutual care. It consists of two parts: "Ecoteology: Towards the Care of the Diversity of Our Common Home," which addresses concepts such as ecoteology, the environmental situation presented in Laudato Si', and the possibility of an ecological conversion; and "Caring for One Another: Spirituality for a Culture of Encounter and Fraternity," which follows from the previous part by asserting that everything in divine creation is interconnected. It acknowledges the diversity of people and cultures, and presents theological content for embracing that diversity and encountering others. The book aims to enrich awareness of these issues, demonstrate the scope of theology, and bring to life the Pope's call for the renewal and conversion of the current world.</p> 2023-12-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Ángela Alarcón The Crossroads of Political Participation in Colombian Pentecostalism 2023-04-03T11:52:09+00:00 Jhohan Centeno Collazos <p>Since the Political Constitution of 1991 in Colombia, the evangelical church in general and the Pentecostal church in particular began a path of political participation in an institutional way. This participation has generated a crossroads between the political approach, the theological position and the figures eligible and/or supportable as political representatives. These three factors generated tensions in the Pentecostal political endeavor between supporting traditional parties or their own parties; between participation as individual responsibility or body thinking; between political participation as the establishment of the kingdom of God or political participation as a struggle against the corrupt powers of this world. Pentecostal political participation in Colomba has been framed in the designation of caudillo leaders recognized as "anointed ones" who represent God's will for the nation, this with marked social aspects of Hispanic political personalism and its combination with principles of Dominionist Theology. This posture represents in itself a crossroads for the participation of the Pentecostal in civil society in the political aspects since it deprives him, underhandedly, of his individual civil responsibilities and makes him a prisoner of political postures that alienate his rights.</p> 2023-12-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jhohan Centeno Collazos Faith and Society: Theological evaluation of modernity and enlightenment in Joseph Ratzinger 2023-08-02T20:59:56+00:00 Carlos Soler <p>Christianity was at odds with modernity and enlightenment for centuries. In the 20th century Catholic theology sought a reconciliation, which bore fruit at Vatican II. Here we study Ratzinger's views on the relationship of Christianity to modernity and enlightenment. In this respect we establish three stages in his academic career: 1º) from 1951 to 1967 he lays the theological foundations, but does not address the question thematically; 2º) from 1967 onwards he establishes that Christianity can and must take up the substantial claims of modernity and enlightenment, since they belong to the essence of the Christian faith; at the same time he strongly criticises some concrete aspects of one and the other; 3º) from 1990 onwards he gives further depth to the thesis on the substantial acceptance of enlightenment. Ratzinger's main contribution is the following: the role of reason in faith (which is a central aspect of his theology) leads to the concord of Christianity with the intellectual reviews of the Enlightenment; reason and faith purify and illuminate each other. Here we focus on the acceptance, and at the end we will present the criticisms more briefly.</p> 2023-12-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Carlos Soler The ecological dimension of popular piety. Theological-speculative indications from the proposal of an integral ecology of the magisterium of Francis 2023-03-20T18:52:51+00:00 Franco Nicolás Rojas Contreras <p>The present research seeks to investigate the intimate link between popular piety and the ecological dimension, starting from the proposal of an integral ecology based on the magisterium of Francis. The hypothesis is that this proposal should strengthen and renew the ecological dimension of popular piety, in view of the challenges of the socio-environmental crisis. The analysis of the present research dispenses with an empirical, aesthetic and/or sociological approach to the phenomenon of popular piety. Rather, the approach is theological-speculative, in order to elicit those theological indications that could strengthen the ecological relationship between the Christian-Catholic faith and the Earth as a common home, through the exercises of popular piety, religious festivities, among others.</p> 2023-12-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Franco Nicolás Rojas Contreras Plant Rights: Theological Contributions in Nicholas Wolterstorff’s Theory of Justice 2023-08-01T18:51:32+00:00 Gonzalo David <p>In this article, I present the concept of rights of the plants found in Nicholas Wolterstorff's theory of justice. In addition, I make an analysis from a theological perspective, regarding its possible contribution to the understanding on ecology, taking the same framework used by the author: the biblical scriptures of the Old and New Testament. Finally, I outline some reflections of my own following the same line of thinking as that found in the above theory, both in a proposal of quasi-rights and as a solution to the incapacity of moral agency.</p> 2023-12-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Gonzalo David Solidarity with the church of Latin America: The historical origins of the birth of Adveniat (1961-1965) 2023-05-16T12:46:14+00:00 Paulo Fernando <p>On the eve of the Second Vatican Council (1963-1965) a series of initiatives were organized with the objective of coordinating the actions of the Catholic Church at national, regional and global levels. From this effort, important institutions were born for the future life of the Catholic Church like the financial organization to support the missions and the formation of the clergy, which received special attention from the Roman Curia. It was necessary to mobilize Catholics and their institutions in developed countries to show solidarity with the Third World Church. In 1961, the German episcopate created Adveniat, which collected money from the faithful German in Advent and, with it, subsidized the ecclesial and pastoral development of the Church in Latin America. Adveniat would quickly become one of the most important institutions for the Church in Latin America overseas. The aim of this article is to understand what were the ecclesial motivations that determined the birth of Adveniat, as well as the dynamism and discussions around investment priorities. The historical course addressed begins with the creation of Adveniat in 1961, and continues up to the end of the Second Vatican Council in 1965. It is a short but intense historical period. This is a documentary historical research that uses primary sources located in the Adveniat archives in Essen and the Archbishopric of Cologne in Germany.</p> 2023-12-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Paulo Fernando Transforming people to transform the world. Aspects of the Wesleyan social thought of Willis Hoover and its resonance in Chilean Pentecostalism 2023-08-01T18:53:22+00:00 Luis Aranguiz Kahn <p>Willis Hoover was one of the prominent founders of Chilean Pentecostalism at the beginning of the 20th century in Chile, and his influence was felt in the&nbsp;education&nbsp;of pastors and believers. From the beginning, the movement took root in the&nbsp;poor&nbsp;sectors of&nbsp;society. Although the latter is quite well known, there is a lack of analysis of Pastor Hoover's own ideas in general and&nbsp;on&nbsp;social issues in particular, as well as the influence he received in this&nbsp;regard&nbsp;from Methodism, his tradition of origin. In view of this,&nbsp;the present&nbsp;essay outlines general characteristics of his social thought based on his writings, and its continuities and discontinuities with Methodism from&nbsp;the&nbsp;perspective of political theology in a Pentecostal key in order to shed light on the character that Hoover sought to imprint on the nascent Pentecostal&nbsp;movement.</p> 2023-12-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Luis Aranguiz Kahn From the culture of discard to the culture of encounter: the contribution of Pope Francis to the Social Doctrine of the Church 2023-10-05T13:59:56+00:00 Francisca Orellana José Johnson <p>The present work has gone further into the concept ‘throwaway culture’, by Pope Francis as key to understanding of the different social problems. By using this concept, he goes through the different meanings that the Pope gives to this expression and the consequences that this implies for a critical look at our current world, based on the Social Doctrine of the Church. Further on, it analyses the concept "culture of encounter", which Francis proposes to us as a horizon that can motivate and guide efforts to overcome current problems and establish a form of relationship that overcomes the discarding of people and opens us to brotherhood and social friendship. Throughout this research, a synthesis view of both concepts was established as well as their value in light of Pope Francis line of thought was established, providing elements for their better understanding and application to the different social realities that we have to face from Christian perspective.</p> 2023-12-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Francisca Orellana, José Johnson